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of her native city, the Indianapolis Worlds and other race journals. For seven years she wrote specials and reported for the Press, Times and Inquirer, the three most influential dailies of Philadelphia.

The past two years have brought increasing household cares. Her two growing daughters and her husband's large office practice leave her little time for literary or newspaper work. Yet, even now, she finds time to edit the Woman's Department of the Indianapolis World. So great is her love for the work I predict she will vet find time to give the literary world something more substantial and tangible than it has vet had from her pen. She has a rare collection of race literature, among which are two of the oldest books published concerning the race. They are, "An Inquiry Concerning the Intellectual and Moral Faculties and Literature of Negroes," by Abbe Gregorie, and "A Narrative of Gustavus Vassa, by Himself" She has also a copy of the original edition of Phillis Wheatley's poems.

Most of Mrs. Mossell's literary work having been done since her marriao-e and with the care of home and children, what an inspiration and incentive her life should be to the young woman of literary tastes and aspirations! The race needs more of forceful, earnest, able workers like Mrs. Mossell in the literary field. The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few. How many will forsake indolence, ease and pleasure, and gathering inspiration from the work of such pioneers will answer the call to work and go gleaning in the literary field?