Page:Women of distinction.djvu/69

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She wore a crown heavily jeweled and diamonds flashed upon her hands and from her ears. Her singing at once established her claim of being in the front rank of star artists, and there is a greater fortune than that already accumulated in store for her.—Providence (R. I.) Dispatch.

Flora Batson, known as the greatest colored singer in the world, created such a furore in Old City Hall last evening that before the programme was half through the excitement became so intense that cries of "Bravo!" were heard from all parts of the house. Many people arose to their feet and the applause was uproarious and deafening in its intensity, and not only rounded out the conclusion of selections but broke in spontaneously at every interlude. The singer was certainly a marvel. Her voice showed a compass of three octaves, from the purest, clear-cut soprano, sweet and full, to the rich, round notes of the baritone register.—Pittsburg; (Pa.) Commercial Gazette.