Page:Wonder Book.djvu/136

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As she drew back her head, her eyes fell upon the knot of gold cord.

‘It must have been a very ingenious person who tied this knot,’ said Pandora to herself. ‘But I think I could untie it nevertheless. I am resolved, at least, to find the two ends of the cord.’

So she took the golden knot in her fingers, and pried into its intricacies as sharply as she could. Almost without intending it, or quite knowing what she was about, she was soon busily engaged in attempting to undo it. Meanwhile, the bright sunshine came through the open window; as did likewise the merry voices of the children, playing at a distance, and perhaps the voice of Epimetheus among them. Pandora stopped to listen. What a beautiful day it was! Would it not be wiser if she were to let the troublesome knot alone, and think no more about the box, but run and join her little playfellows, and be happy?

All this time, however, her fingers were half unconsciously busy with the knot; and happening to glance at the flower-wreathed face on the lid of the enchanted box, she seemed to perceive it slyly grinning at her.

‘That face looks very mischievous,’ thought Pandora. ‘I wonder whether it smiles because I am doing wrong! I have the greatest mind in the world to run away!’

But just then, by the merest accident, she gave the knot a kind of a twist, which produced a wonderful result. The gold cord untwined itself, as if by magic, and left the box without a fastening.

‘This is the strangest thing I ever knew!’ said Pandora. ‘What will Epimetheus say? And how can I possibly tie it up again?’