Page:Wonder Book.djvu/236

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they are. They certainly do look as if they had seen better days; and I am heartily glad to see them making so comfortable a supper.’

Each of the guests had now taken his bunch of grapes upon his plate. Baucis (who rubbed her eyes, in order to see the more clearly) was of opinion that the clusters had grown larger and richer, and that each separate grape seemed to be on the point of bursting with ripe juice. It was entirely a mystery to her how such grapes could ever have been produced from the old stunted vine that climbed against the cottage wall.

‘Very admirable grapes these!’ observed Quicksilver, as he swallowed one after another, without apparently diminishing his cluster. ‘Pray, my good host, whence did you gather them?’

‘From my own vine,’ answered Philemon. ‘You may see one of its branches twisting across the window, yonder. But wife and I never thought the grapes very fine ones.’

‘I never tasted better,’ said the guest. ‘Another cup of this delicious milk, if you please, and I shall then have supped better than a prince.’

This time, old Philemon bestirred himself, and took up the pitcher; for he was curious to discover whether there was any reality in the marvels which Baucis had whispered to him. He knew that his good old wife was incapable of falsehood, and that she was seldom mistaken in what she supposed to be true; but this was so very singular a case, that he wanted to see into it with his own eyes. On taking up the pitcher, therefore, he slyly peeped into it, and was fully satisfied that it contained not so much