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although, if he turned a full gaze, there were no such things to be perceived, but only an odd kind of cap. But, at all events, the twisted staff was evidently a great convenience to Quicksilver, and enabled him to proceed so fast, that Perseus, though a remarkably active young man, began to be out of breath.

‘Here!’ cried Quicksilver at last,–for he knew well enough, rogue that he was, how hard Perseus found it to keep pace with him,–‘take you the staff, for you need it a great deal more than I. Are there no better walkers than yourself in the island of Seriphus?’

‘I could walk pretty well,’ said Perseus, glancing slyly at his companion’s feet, ‘if I had only a pair of winged shoes.’

‘We must see about getting you a pair,’ answered Quicksilver.

But the staff helped Perseus along so bravely, that he no longer felt the slightest weariness. In fact, the stick seemed to be alive in his hand, and to lend some of its life to Perseus. He and Quicksilver now walked onward at their ease, talking very sociably together; and Quicksilver told so many pleasant stories about his former adventures, and how well his wits had served him on various occasions, that Perseus began to think him a very wonderful person. He evidently knew the world; and nobody is so charming to a young man as a friend who has that kind of knowledge. Perseus listened the more eagerly, in the hope of brightening his own wits by what he heard.

At last, he happened to recollect that Quicksilver had spoken of a sister, who was to lend her assistance in the adventure which they were now bound upon.