Page:Wonder Stories Quarterly Volume 2 Number 2 (Winter 1931).djvu/142

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Wonder Stories Quarterly

The Greatest Sin of all is total IGNORANCE of the most important subject in the life of every man and woman—SEX.

Away With False Modesty!

Let us face the facts of sex fearlessly and frankly, sincerely and scientifically. Let us tear the veil of shame and mystery from sex and build the future of the race on a new knowledge of all the facts of sex as they are laid bare in plain, daring but wholesome words, and frank pictures in the huge new library of Sex Knowledge.



Everything a Married Woman Should Know—

How to hold a husband

How to have perfect children

How to preserve youth

Warding off other women

Keeping yourself attractive

Why husbands tire of wives

Dreadful diseases due to ignorance

Diseases of women

Babies and birth control

Twilight sleep—easy childbirth

How babies are conceived

Diseases of children

Family health guide

Change of life—hygiene

Why children die young

Inherited traits and diseases

What will you tell your growing girl?

The mystery of twins

Hundreds of valuable remedies

Secrets for Men—

Mistakes of early marriages

Secret of fascination

Toys of perfect mating

How to make women love you

Bringing up healthy children

Fevers and contagious diseases

City and State.

Accidents and emergencies

Hygiene in the home

Limitation of offspring

The sexual embrace

Warning to young men

Secrets of greater delight

Dangerous diseases

Secrets of sex attraction

Hygienic precautions

Anatomy and physiology

The reproductive organs

What every woman wants

Education of the family

Sex health and prevention

Girls—Don't Marry

before you know all this—

The dangers of Petting

How to be a vamp

How to manage the honeymoon

What liberties to allow a lover

Secrets of the wedding night

Beauty diets and baths

Do you know—

How to attract desirable men

How to manage men

How to know if he loves you

How to acquire bodily grace and beauty

How to beautify face, hands, hair, teeth and feet

How to acquire charm

How to dress attractively

Intimate personal hygiene

How to pick a husband


This Work will not be sold to minors. When ordering your book, state your age!

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The Reader Speaks

(Continued from Page 286)

influence of gravity. Therefore, it could never be seen from the earth.

9. The finding of the net. The net would either be right with the rocket, because it maintained the same velocity, or would be far beyond the rocket's orbit, depending on its mass. It would, of course, maintain the same linear velocity as the rocket, and would, if light enough, either become a wanderer through space or find its orbit much further away from the earth, which is improbable since the force of gravity would constantly decrease.

10. Egon would not remain near the rocket as long as described. For the same reason given in the preceding paragraph, he would probably fly away on a slightly modified tangent to the orbit of the rocket until free entirely from the gravitational influence of the earth.

11. It is even very doubtful if the rocket would have taken its place as a satellite. The initial explosion of all the repulsive force gave the rocket a velocity great enough to throw it beyond the gravitational influence of the earth. The start from the moon is described as being at a rate eight times that of the start from the earth. Then there was the second tremendous increase in velocity after they had been under way about 28 hours. The story is slightly confused here, but apparently the reserve supply of oxygen and hydrogen had gone "Boom Boom" at that particular moment. With such tremendous velocity, the rocket could scarcely have been caught by the earth. Remember, the start was just one explosion, with no further acceleration away from the earth, and must have given enough velocity to carry the rocket away from its influence. At 100,000 miles from the earth the acceleration of gravity would be only about .0005 feet per second. A ten-ton rocket would weigh less than half a pound.

These criticisms are offered from a series of notes jotted down while reading the yarn—not from an exhaustive study in the hope of finding bugs. The problems of terrestrial mechanics are far beyond me; all I have given are the conclusions of a layman in the face of irreconcilable inconsistencies.

Would it not be better, in stories of this character, to invent a flock of unknown forces, rather than try too much from our still limited knowledge?

Ted Leitzell,
644 Buckingham Place,
Chicago, Ill.

(Most of Mr. Leitzell's criticisms of "Between Earth and Moon" are well taken, and we are grateful for them. We wish however to point out that our policy with regard to stories that we purchase outright and translate are necessarily different than those that we buy in English. In the former case we do not feel permitted to make such detailed changes in the stories. It does often happen that the best of authors err in their calculations and deductions—yet they may not affect the main progress or the general value of the story. That was our conclusion about "Between Earth and Moon."—Editor)

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