Page:Wonderful conferences which passed between the ghost of Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr. Ogilvy of Innerwick (NLS104187038).pdf/13

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Conferences between Cool and Ogilvy.

place, which in a looſe ſenſe you call hell, by almoſt in infinity, than what are gone to that place, which in a like ſenſe you call heaven, who likewiſe are employed in the ſame purpoſe; and I can aſſure you, by the bye, that there is as great a difference between angels both good and bad, as there is among men, with reſpect to their ſenſe, knowledge, cunning, cleverneſs, and action; nay, which is more, the departed ſouls in both ſides, outdo, ſeverals, from their very firſt departure, of the original angels. This you will perhaps think a paradox, but it is true,

Ogil.] I do not doubt it, but what is that to my queſtion about what I am ſolicitous.

Cool.) Take a little patience, Sir, from what I have ſaid, you might have underſtood me, if you had had your thought about you, but I ſhall explain myſelf to you. Both the good and bad angels have ſtated times of rendezvous, and the principal angels who have the charge either of towns, cities, or kingdoms, not to mention particular perſons, villages, and families, and all that is tranſacted in theſe ſeveral parts of the country, are there made open; and at their rencounter on each ſide; every thing is told as in your pariſh, in milns, kilns, and ſmithies, only with this difference, that many things falſe are talked at the living rencounters, but nothing but what is exact truth is ſaid, or told among the dead; only I muſt obſerve to you, That as I am
