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Dreadful Judgments upon Atheiſts,

for, left off his pleading, and immediately ſeizing upon the hoſt, carried him out of the ſeſſions-houſe, and hoiſted him into the air ſo high, that he was never after ſeen nor heard of. And thus was the ſoldier wonderfully delivered from death, to the aſtonishment of all beholders, who were eye-witneſſes of this terrible judgment upon this perjured, curſing hoſt.—Wierus of Spirits, lib. 3.

XVII. Luther in his expoſition upon the Corinthians, gives this relation; That a certain debauched perſon, of a very wicked life, and of ſuch evil education, that at every word he ſpake almoſt, the devil was in his mouth; for which practice, though he was often reproved by his neighbours, and exhorted to correct and amend ſo vile and deteſtable a practice, yet it was all to no purpoſe: continuing therefore in this damnable practice, it happened, that as he was one day paſſing over a bridge, he fell down, and in his fall, he cried out, Hoiſt up with an hundred devils, which he had no ſooner uttered, but the devil, whom he had called for ſo oft, was at his elbow, who preſently ſtrangled him, and carried him away with him.

XVIII. John Wierus gives an account alſo to this purpoſe, that in the year 1551, at Megalapole, near Voildſtat, it happened that the people being drinking and carouſing at Whitſuntide, a woman in the company commonly named the devil in her oaths, till he that had been called upon ſo often, came on a ſudden, and carried her through the gate aloft into the air, before all the company preſent, who ran out in great aſtoniſhment to ſee whether be would transport her, and they obſerved her hanging in the air without the town; and then falling