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The miſerable Ends of

are they carried out of the houſe, either by the window, door, or chimney, mounted on their imps, to their meeting-place, which is ſometimes many hundred miles from their dwellings, where they find great numbers of wizards and witches arrived by the ſame means, who all make their accuſtomed reverence to Lucifer in his throne, adoring him, proclaiming him their lord, and rendering him all honour, as their king; this ſolemnity being finiſhed, they ſit at a table, where no delicate meats are wanting to pleaſe their appetites, after which they dance, and the incubuſſes in the ſhape of proper men ſatisfy the luſts of the witches, and the ſuccubuſſes ſerve for whores to the wizards; ſometimes at their ſolemn aſſemblies the devil commands each to tell what wickedneſs he hath done, and according to the deteſtableneſs thereof, he is honoured and applauded: Theſe, and many other ſuch wonderful things are mentioned by authors of good credit, and ſeveral perſons have made confeſſion, and given an account thereof.

VI. In the year 1645, one Rebecca Jones, being ſuſpected for a witch, was brought before Sir Harbottle Grimſtone and Sir Thomas Bows, juſtices of the peace for Eſſex, to whom ſhe voluntarily confeſſed, That about twenty-five years before, living with one John Biſhop in that county, there came one morning to the door a very handſome young man as ſhe then thought, but now be thinks it was the devil, who aſked her how ſhe did, an deſired to ſee her left wriſt, and then be took a pin from her ſleeve and pricked it twice, and there came out drop of blood, which he took upon his finger and departed, and going a while after to St Oſyths, ſhe met a man in a ragged ſuit, with ſuch great eyes, as much affrighted her, who came to her, and gave her three