Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/110

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Nephritic Diet

In cases of nephritis, all pickled foods should be discouraged; also the use of "sour salts." Almost all their soups are low in protein. Many of their meat dishes have little meat in them. For example, Bitki or Hamburg Steak:


Take two cups of clear beef chopped, and two cups of bread crumbs that have been soaked in a little water, leaving them quite moist; mix thoroughly, season with pepper and salt, and shape into individual cakes. Fry as Hamburg Steak.

Both Kascha and Schavel are dishes that can be recommended and enjoyed. They are made in the following way:


Made of whole buckwheat grain, fine barley, whole oats, or millet (washed in many waters before using). Take one pound of grain and rub through it one whole egg. Dry thoroughly on a frying pan, stirring to prevent burning. When dry, put into an earthenware dish with cover. Cover with boiling water. Add salt to taste and butter size of egg. Bake in moderate oven until done (from two to three hours). Watch to prevent burning. When edges get too dry, add boiling water, pouring along edges. Favorite dish for peasants.

Schavel (Sorrel Soup)

Chop fine one pound sorrel, one pound spinach; put into pot and cook in boiling water (open pot), adding salt to taste. When greens are tender, about one-half hour, take two yolks of eggs in a bowl; add a little salt and stir hot mixture into the yolks, drop by drop, to