Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/72

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and a little vinegar may also be used in place of the Madeira sauce.

Schavel (Sorrel Soup)

Chop fine one pound sorrel and one pound spinach. Cook in boiling water (open pot), adding salt to taste. Take two yolks of eggs in a bowl and rub with a little salt. When greens are tender (about one-half hour), stir with yolks, drop by drop, and prevent curdling. Set out to cool and then put on ice.

To serve, put into plate a tablespoon of sour cream and add cold soup, stirring cream. Add chopped, hard-boiled egg. Favorite dish for summer.

Polish Cookies

One quart of flour, two whole eggs, four more whites, six ounces sugar, one-quarter pound butter, one wine glass cooking brandy (in U. S. A. fruit juice is used). Beat the whites well; cream butter and sugar together and add whites. Knead well and roll thin. Cut in strips and then cut diagonally. Cook in boiling fat and sprinkle with sugar.



Coffee, bread and butter.
Breakfast is always the same.

10 A.M.

An egg, a sandwich, or a cup of milk for parents.
Fruit for children.