Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/91

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Tazeh Fassculia Yaghli (Green Beans with Olive Oil)

  • 1 quart green beans
  • 3 dry onions, medium
  • 1 green pepper, medium
  • 2 ripe tomatoes (or 3 or 4 tablespoons of canned)
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Clean and trim the beans, splitting them lengthwise; crush with some salt and, after washing, arrange them in a suitable vessel. Slice over this the onions and the green pepper. Also add the juice of the tomatoes. Season to taste, and after pouring in the olive oil, boil on a moderate fire for ten to fifteen minutes, when one-half of plain water should be added, and then left over a slow fire to simmer until done. (Serve hot or cold.)

Khiyar Dolma (Stuffed Cucumbers)

Pare eight to ten cucumbers of medium size, dig out their seedy parts with the aid of a narrow and pointed knife, stuff with the Dolma mixture, and after piercing each one with a fork, arrange in a suitable pan, side by side. Add two or three ripe tomatoes, cut into small pieces (or three to four tablespoons of canned tomatoes), and then pour over one cup or more of broth, or plain water. Cook either on a slow fire or in a moderately hot oven.

Dressing (Terbish), made of one beaten egg and the juice of one lemon mixed, may be added to the whole, after blending the mixture first with part of the Dolma Gravy. (Serve hot.)

Because of the large amount of rice and wheat used in the preparation of the Near East foods, it is difficult to give a diet list for a diabetic patient. In prescribing low carbohydrate vegetables cooked in olive oil, and lamb and chicken cooked on skewers, one is able to feel sure no