Page:Wood - Foods of the Foreign-Born.djvu/93

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An egg dish that they enjoy is made with orange, and is called Sudoli Youmourta:

  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 cups milk
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 orange, skinned
  • Salt and pepper to taste

Take a saucepan, put the milk in, and break the eggs into it. Add the sugar and the orange, cut into pieces. Season to taste and stir well; then place the saucepan in a steamer full of boiling water. Cook this on a moderate fire until the mixture is fairly thick. Spread over it, lightly, some burnt sugar, and serve.

Another milk dish common among them is bread, buttered, and a pitcher of hot milk. This is eaten as we eat bread and milk.

The Near East's knowledge of food combinations and possibilities seems greater than among any other people. It is generally supposed that their cookery is spicy, but it will be noticed, in looking over these recipes, that the cooking is rich in flavor because of the number of ingredients, and not because of condiments.


(Used by all Near East)

Rice, meat (beef or lamb), and tomatoes.

Mix rice, ground meat, salt, black pepper, and tomatoes together. Roll in grapevine or cabbage leaves, which have been cooked until soft. Pile in kettle and cover with cold water. Cover with plate to hold in place. Cook about one hour.