Page:Words for the Chisel (1926).pdf/87

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Toss! Down a lane a tall tree flashes,
Turrets of leaves from a pillar of ashes—
Fountains of leaves, a leafy water-fall
Pours down against the sky's high crystal wall.

The young earth wrinkles like a small mole's mound,—
An undulating river underground
Comes like the summer, comes without a sound.

The stranger strides with blazing face, the stranger
Invisible, intangible, and bold;
He brings green torches and he treads in anger,
Lifts up the fallen, shakes alive the old;
He blows a breath before him, blazing gold
And all around the gold-green rips its sheath
In emerald air, from an emerald earth beneath.

And one who cast herself imploring before him
Her long hair flung across his path, now turns
To lift rejoicing leaves on every limb;
Another rockets upward. Crisply burns
Earth's unpolluted green in fronds and ferns.