Page:Workhouse nursing.djvu/24

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to incur. I also think it very probable that the cost of nursing would be repaid in many other ways to the ratepayers."

5. Reply of Edward Clapton, Esq., M.D.

"I believe it would be quite repaid."


1. Reply of Henry Smith, Esq, Assistant Surgeon.

"I believe, from a long experience of hospitals and other institutions, that the cost of an improved system of nursing as proposed for the Liverpool Workhouse Hospital would certainly be 'in part ' repaid by restoring the patients to health more quickly."

2. Copy of a Letter from Miss Jones, Lady Superintendent of St, John's House Nursing Schools, and Matron of Kings College Hospital.

King's College Hospital, May 4, 1864.

Dear Sir,

The inclosed paper was sent to me yesterday, with the request that I would obtain from some of the medical staff of this Hospital answers to the question proposed at the end of the paper, in order to enable the Vestry in some degree to judge whether that body would be justified, or otherwise, in sanctioning the introduction to their Workhouse Hospital of an improved system of nursing the sick, at the probable annual money cost named in the inclosed paper.

I have accordingly submitted the paper to as many of the medical staff as I could see in the short time.

I inclose a note from Mr. Henry Smith, one of the surgeons, who has had considerable experience as to the loss and gain of good and bad nursing.

Dr. Wm. O. Priestly, the Physician Accoucheur to this Hospital, formerly of Middlesex Hospital, had not time during his visit to do more than read the paper and give me a verbal