Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 01.djvu/117

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visible head is a high and well-wise Senate.[1] In fact it is a free state, and we find in it the greatest political freedom. The citizens can do what they please, and the high and well-wise Senate acts as it likes. Every one is lord of his own deeds—it is a true republic. If Lafayette had not been so fortunate as to find Louis Philippe he would certainly have recommended the Senate and supervisors of Hamburg to his French fellow-citizens. Hamburg is the best republic. Its manners are English, and its cookery is heavenly.[2] There are, in sober truth, between the Wandrahmen and the Dreckwall, dishes to be found of which our philosophers have no conception. The Hamburgers are good people who enjoy good eating. They are much divided as regards religion, politics, and science, but they are all beautifully agreed as to cooking. Their theologians may quarrel as much as they like over the Lord's Supper,[3] but there is no difference as to the daily dinner. Though there be among the Jews there one division who give grace or the prayer at table in German, while others chant it

  1. Ein hoch und wohlweiser Senat. A formal expression often applied officially to such bodies.
  2. Seine Sitten sind Englisch, und sein Essen ist himmlisch. Englisch has the double meaning of English and angelic. Non Angli sed Angeli.
  3. Abendmahl. Literally evening or eve-meal; from Passover eve.