Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 01.djvu/62

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and move as little as possible. I am in a hurry."

He left the room accompanied by black Deborah, who lighted him forth. When the two friends were alone they looked at one another for a long time in silence. There were thoughts in the souls of both which neither would express. Then the woman suddenly grasped the man's hand and covered it with burning kisses.

"For God's sake!" said Maximilian, "do not exert yourself so much, and lie calmly on the sofa."

As Maria obeyed him, he very carefully covered her feet with the shawl, which he first kissed. She must have seen this, for her eyes twinkled like those of a happy child.

"Was Mademoiselle Laurence very beautiful?"

"If you will not interrupt me, dear friend, and promise to be calm and quiet, I will tell you circumstantially all that you wish to hear."

Smiling at the assenting glance of Maria, Maximilian sat on the chair before the sofa, and thus began his story:—

"It is now eight years since I went to London to learn the language and people there. The devil take the people with their language! They take a dozen monosyllables in mouth, chew them,