Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 05.djvu/438

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MR. WILLIAM HEW£MANN'S LIST. 3noej of autbore. PAGE PAGE Alexander . 9 Hungerford . • . 9>10 Arbuthnol . . • 7 Ibsen .... 15 Atherton . 13 Jaeger. 7 Balestier . . 3. 9 Kimball 16 Bashkirtseff 6 Kipling and Balestier . • 3, 9 Barrett 9 Lanza .... 13 Bendall 8 Lee .... ■1°,13 Bjornson . . . .IX,12 Leland . 8 Bowen...• 5Lie.... 12 Brown 8 Lowe .... 7 Brown and Griffiths . 16 Lynch. .12 Buchanan . . 7. 9. I". '3 Maartens . 10 Butler 5 Mackay iS Caine .... 7. 9. I2. J5 Maeterlinck 14 Cambridge . . ■ • 9. 13 Maupassant 11 Chester . ■ * 6Mitford..» 12 Clarke 9 Ouida .... 9 Compayre . 5 Palacio-Valdes . 11 Couperus . 11 Pearce ir Davidson . . . 5 Pennell t Dawson 8 Philips 13 De Quincey • • 4.6 Pinero IJ Edison and Lathrop . 9 Rawnsley . Eeden. 9 Richter 6 Ellwanger . 7 Riddell 9 Ely ... 7 Rives . 10 Farrar. 6 Roberts 8 Fitch .... 5 Robinson . 13 Fothergill . 9 Salaman 6 Franzos 11 Serao .... 11 Frederic . • 13 Tasma 9, 10, 12 Garnett 7 Terry .... 6 Gilchrist 9 Thurston . 16 Gore .... 16 Tolstoy . . .11,15 Gosse .... 6 Tree .... 15 Gray .... 7 Valera 12 Griffiths . 16 Warden 13 Hall . 8 Weitmeyer . 8 Harland 13 Weit .... S Henderson . '3 Whistler . 7 Heine .... 4 Whitman . 8 Howard... 10 WUde 14 Hughes S