Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 05.djvu/442

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6 MR. WILLIAM HEINEMANN'S LIST. General ^Literature* THE JEW AT HOME. Impressions of a Summer and Autumn Spent with Ilim. By Joseph Pennell. With Illustrations by the Author, ^to, cloth. [/« the Press. WOMAN—THROUGH A MAN'S EYEGLASS. By Malcolm C. Salaman. With Illustrations by Dudley Hardy. Crown 8vo, cloth. STRAY MEMORIES. By Ellen Terry. 410. Illustrated. [/« preparation GIRLS AND WOMEN. By E. Chester, pott 8vo, cloth 2s. 6d., or gilt »*jctra, 3s. 6d. Literary World.—'* We gladly commend this delightful little work to the thoughtful girls of our own country. We hope that many parents and daughters will read and ponder over the little volume." Scottish Leader.—"A wise little book—fitted to be useful to girls and women everywhere." GOSSIP IN A LIBRARY By Edmund Gosse, Author of " Northern Studies," &c. Second edition, crown 8vo, buckram, gilt top, 7*. 6d. Athenteum.—There is a touch of Leigh Hunt in this picture of the book- lover among his books, and the volume is one that Leigh Hunt would have delighted in." St. James Gazette.—" An exquisitely pretty book." National Observer.—"A charming book."

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