Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 05.djvu/446

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The Crown Copyright Series.

Mr. Heinemann has made arrangements with a number of the First and Most Popular English, American and Colonial Authors which will enable him to issue a series of New and Original Works, to be known as The Crown Copyright Series, complete in One Volume, at a uniform price of Five Shillings each. These Novels will not pass through an Ex pensive Two or Three Volume Edition, but they will be obtainable at the Circulating Libraries, as well as at all Booksellers and Bookstalls.

ACCORDING TO ST. JOHN. By Amelie Rives, Author of " The Quick or the Dead."

Scotsman.—" The literary work is highly artistic It has beauty and brightness, and a kind of fascination which carries the reader on till he has read to the last page."

THE PENANCE OF PORTIA JAMES. By Tasma, Author of " Uncle Piper of Piper's Hill," &c.

Athenaum.—"A powerful novel."

Daily Chronicle.—"Captivating and yet tantalising, this story is far above the average."

Vanity Fair.—"A very interesting story, morally sound, and flavoured throughout with ease of diction and lack of strain."

INCONSEQUENT LIVES. A Village Chronicle, shewing how certain folk set out for Et Dorado ; what they attempted ; and what they attained. By J. H. Pearce, Author of 'Esther Pentreath," &c

Saturday Review.—"A vivid picture of the life of Cornish fisher-folk. It is unquestionably interesting."

Literary World.—Powerful and pathetic .... from first to last it is profoundly interesting. It is long since we read a story revealing power of so high an order, marked by such evident carefulness of workmanship, such skill in the powerful and yet temperate presentation of passion, and in the sternly realistic yet delicate treatment of difficult situations."

A QUESTION OF TASTE. By Maarten Maartens, Author of " The Sin of Joost Avelingh," &c. [In the Press.

COME LIVE WITH ME AND BE MY LOVE. By Robert Buchanan, Author of " The Moment After," "The Coming Terror," &c. [IN the Press.

THE O'CONNORS OF BALLINAHINCH. By Mrs. Hungerford, Author of " Molly Bawn," &c. [In the Press.

A BATTLE AND A BOY. By Blanche Willis Howard, Author of "Guenn," &c. [In preparation.

VANITAS. By Vf.rnon Lee, Author of " Haunting?," &c. [in preparation.