Page:Works of Heinrich Heine 05.djvu/448

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12 MR. WILLIAM HEINEMANN'S LIST. •feeinemann's international Xfbrars* PEPITA JIMENEZ. From the Spanish of Juan Valera. IV. D. Howells.—"An exquisite masterpiece." New Review (Mr. George Saintsbury) :—There is no doubt at all that it is one of the best stories that have appeared in any country in Europe for the last twenty years." THE COMMODORE'S DAUGHTERS. From the Nor- wegian of Jonas Lie. Atheneeum.—"Everything that Jonas Lie writes is attractive aad pleasant ; the plot of deeply human interest, and the art noble." FLAGS ARE FLYING. From the Norwegian of BjORNST- JERNE BjORNSON. popular 3s* 6t>. IRovels* DAUGHTERS OF MEN. By Hannah Lynch, Author of " A Prince of the Glades," &c. UNCLE PIPER OF PIPER'S HILL. By Tasma. New Popular Edition. Guardian.—" Every page ofit contains good wholesome food, which demands and repays digestion. The tale itself is thoroughly charming, and all the characters are delightfully drawn. We strongly recommend all lovers of whole some novels to make acquaintance with it themselves, and are much mistaken if they do not heartily thank us for the introduction." THE BONDMAN. A New Saga. By Hall Cains. High teenth Thousand. Mr. Gladstone.—"'The Bondman' is a work of which I recognise the freshness, vigour, and sustained interest no less than its integrity of aim." Standard.—" Its argument is grand, and it is sustained with a power that is almost marvellous." A MARKED MAN: Some Episodes in his Life. By Ada Cambridge, Author of "Two Years* Time," "A Mere Chance," &c. Morning Post.—" A depth of feeling, a knowledge of the human heart, and an amount of tact that one rarely finds. Should take a prominent place among the novels of the season." Pall Mall Gazette.—" Contains one of the best written stories of a misalliance that h to be found in modern fiction." THE THREE MISS KINGS. By Ada Cambridge, Author of "A Marked Man." Athenaum.—"A charming study of. character. The love stories are ex cellent, and the author is happy in tender situations.'* British Weekly.—"A novel to be bought and kept for re-reading. From beginning to end pure as the breath of a flower garden in June." National Observer.— " A pleasanter tale has not been told these many days The picture of the three maidens is one of the most delightful in recent fiction." A ROMANCE OF THE CAPE FRONTIER. By Bertram Mitford, Author of " Through the Zulu Country," &c. Academy.—" The love story is a particularly pleasing one.*' Pall Mall Gazette.—" A very lively and a very picturesque story." Observer.—.'* This is a rattling tale, genial, healthy, and spirited.**