Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 1.djvu/407

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The wind dropped during the night, and the "Victoria" remained quietly at the summit of a large sycamore; the doctor and Kennedy watched in turn, and Joe profited by this arrangement to sleep soundly and uninterruptedly for twenty-four hours.

"That is what he wanted to set him up," said Ferguson; "Nature has taken upon herself to cure him."

At daylight the wind again blew pretty strongly, but in gusts: it first came from the north, then from the south; but at length the "Victoria " was driven to the westward.

The doctor, map in hand, noted the kingdom of Damaghou, an undulating region of wonderful fertility, with its villages built of long reeds, entwined with branches of the asclepia; corn ricks were raised up in the small cultivated fields upon little platforms, to preserve them from the attacks of mice and ants. The balloon soon reached the town of Zinder, recognizable by its vast square used for executions—in the center of which is the "death-tree." At the foot of this tree the executioner watches, and whosoever passes beneath its shade is immediately hanged.

On consulting the barometer, Kennedy could not help saying: "Why, we are going towards the north!"

"What does that matter? If we get to Timbuctoo we shall have no reason to complain. Never has a happier journey been accomplished under more pleasant circumstances."

"Nor in better health," said Joe, who just then popped his cheery face between the curtains of the awning.

"Here is our brave friend," cried Kennedy; "our preserver. How do you feel now?"

"Much as usual, Mr. Dick, much as usual, thank you, and as well as ever. There is nothing to set a man up like a little pleasant traveling after a bath in Lake Tchad; is it not so, sir?"

"You are indeed a noble fellow," replied Ferguson, as he shook Joe by the hand. "What anxiety and fear you have caused us!"

"Well, and you too. Can you believe that I was easy about you? You can boast of having given me a fine fright."