Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 1.djvu/420

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civilization, where a savant named Ahmed Baba possessed, in the sixteenth century, a library of 1,600 manuscripts, is now nothing but a warehouse for the commerce of Central Africa.

The town appears to be given up to carelessness; it is impregnated with the supineness which is epidemic with decaying cities. Great heaps of rubbish were piled up in the outskirts, and these, with the market hill, formed the only undulations of the ground.

As the "Victoria" passed by there was some little movement; the drums were beaten, but scarcely had the last learned man had time to observe this novel phenomenon when the travelers, impelled by the wind from the desert, were wafted along the river, and Timbuctoo was nothing more than a souvenir of their rapid journey.

"Now," said the doctor, "Heaven may guide us where it pleases."

"Provided it be towards the west," replied Kennedy.

"Well," said Joe, "if it should happen to us to be sent back the way we have come, and to cross the ocean to America, that would not trouble me."

"We must first have the power to do so, Joe."

"And how is that wanting?"

"Gas, my boy, gas. The ascensional force of the balloon is sensibly diminishing; and we shall have to use great care to reach the coast. I shall even be compelled to throw out ballast. We are too heavy."

"Such are the results of doing nothing, sir. By lying here all day, like a sluggard, in a hammock, we get fat and heavy. It is a lazy journey; and when we return we shall find ourselves very stout."

"These are remarks worthy of Joe," replied Kennedy.

"But wait until the end: how do you know what Heaven has in store for us? We are still a long way from the termination of our journey. Where do you expect to touch the coast, Samuel?"

"I should be puzzled to answer, Dick; we are at the mercy of variable winds, but I shall consider it fortunate if we reach Sierra Leone or Portendick. We may meet friends in those neighborhoods."

"And glad to shake hands with them; but are we following the desired route?"