Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 12.djvu/188

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superb menageries we found specimens of all the animals of the country, wild as well as domestic. Here were goats, stags, deer, elephants, tigers, lions, panthers, and bears, be- sides others too numerous to mention.

"Oh, captain!" cried Fox, "here are tigers in cages just like birds. Isn't it a pity?"

"Indeed, Fox, and so it is," replied the captain. "If the poor fellows had their choice, they certainly would far rather be prowling about in the jungle, even within reach of our rifle-balls!"

"That's just what I think, captain," sighed honest Fox. Next morning, the 10th of May, having laid in a fresh stock of provisions, we quitted Burdwan. Our Steam House passed the line of railroad by a level crossing, and traveled in the direction of Ramghur, a town situated about seventy leagues from Calcutta.

During this part of the journey Behemoth was kept going at a gentle trot, which pace proved the excellent structure of our well-hung carriages; the roads being good also fav- ored our experiment.

To the great surprise of Captain Hood, we passed through many jungles without seeing any wild animals. It seemed not unlikely that they were terrified, and fled at the approach of a gigantic elephant, vomiting steam and smoke; but as it was to the northern regions, and not to Bengal provinces, that our hunter looked for the sport he loved so well, he did not as yet begin to complain.

On the 15th of May we were near Ramghur, about fifty leagues from Burdwan. The rate of speed at which we had traveled was not more than fifteen leagues in twelve hours. Three days afterward, on the 18th, we stopped at the little town of Chittra. No incidents marked these stages of our journey. The heat was intense; but what could be more agreeable than a siesta beneath the cool shelter of the ver- andas! The burning hours passed away in luxurious repose.

In the evenings Storr and Kâlouth cleaned the furnace and oiled and thoroughly examined the engine, operations which were always carefully superintended by Banks him- self. While he was so employed, Captain Hood and I, accompanied by Fox, Goumi, and the two dogs, used to take our guns, and explore the neighborhood of our camp. We fell in with nothing more important in the way of game