Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 3.djvu/26

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fought and struggled against them, but they threw me down and assailed me with blows, and then the wretches, headed by Shandon, went off towards the east, and were soon out of sight. I found myself alone on the burning ship, and what could I do? The fire-hole was completely blocked up with ice. I had not a single drop of water! For two days the Forward struggled with the flames, and you know the rest."

A long silence followed the gloomy recital, broken at length by Hatteras, who said:

"Johnson, I thank you; you did all you could to save my ship, but single-handed you could not resist. Again I thank you, and now let the subject be dropped. Let us unite efforts for our common salvation. There are four of us, four companions, four friends, and all our lives are equally precious. Let each give his opinion on the best course for us to pursue."

"You ask us then, Hatteras," said the Doctor;" we are all devoted to you, and our words come from our hearts. But will you not state your own views first? "

"That would be little use," said Hatteras, sadly; "my opinion might appear interested; let me hear all yours first"

"Captain," said Johnson, "before pronouncing on such an important matter, I wish to ask you a question."

"Ask it, then, Johnson."

"You went out yesterday to ascertain our exact position; well, is the field drifting or stationary?"

"Perfectly stationary. It had not moved since the last reckoning was made. I find we are just where we were before we left, in 80o 15" lat and 127o 35" long."

"And what distance are we from the nearest sea to the east?"

"About six hundred miles."

"And that sea is–––"

"Smith's Sound," was the reply.

“The same that we could not get through last April?"

"The same."

"Well, captain, now we know our actual situation, we are in a better position to determine our course of action."

'”Speak your minds, then," said Hatteras, again burying his head in his hands.