Page:Works of Jules Verne - Parke - Vol 3.djvu/71

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Winter Pleasures

"'The interest I take in the matter myself has led me to study the effect of your announcement on my comrades, and I can testify, to use reporter's language, that the thing has produced an immense sensation.

"'The day after your prospectus appeared, there was an unusual and unprecedented demand for ink among us, and our green table-cloth was deluged with snippings and parings of quill-pens, to the injury of one of our servants, who got a piece driven right under his nail. I know for a fact that Sergeant Martin had no less than nine pen-knives to sharpen.

"'It was quite a novel sight to see all the writing-desks brought out, which had not made their appearance for a couple of months, and judging by the reams of paper visible, more than one visit must have been made to the depths of the hold.

"'I must not forget to tell you, that I believe attempts will be made to slip into your box sundry articles which are not altogether original, as they have been published already. I can declare that no later than last night I saw an author bending over his desk, holding a volume of the Spectator open with one hand, and thawing the frozen ink in his pen at the lamp with the other. I need not warn you to be on your guard against such tricks, for it would never do for us to have articles in our Winter Chronicle which our great-grandfathers read over their breakfast-tables a century ago.'"

"Well, well," said Altamont, "there is a good deal of clever humor in that writer. He must have been a sharp fellow."

"You're right. Here is an amusing catalogue of Arctic tribulations:

"'To go out in the morning for a walk, and the moment you put your foot outside the ship, find yourself immersed in the cook's water-hole.

"'To go out hunting, and fall in with a splendid reindeer, take aim, and find your gun has gone off with a flash in the pan, owing to damp powder.

"'To set out on a march with a good supply of soft new bread in your pocket, and discover, when you want to eat, that it has frozen so hard that you would break your teeth if you attempted to bite it through.