Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/155

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Act V., Sc. 3]

But, pale and cold as these, have measur'd out
Their lengths.

Lords. Impossible! which way?

Sem. Of that185
We are as ignorant as you;
For, while the Queen was telling of the story,
An unknown villain here has hurt her so,
That, like a sickly taper, she but made
One flash, and so expir'd.190

[Enter some, bearing in Pasithas

Phi. Here he is; but no confession.

Ori. Torture must force him then;
Though 'twill indeed but weakly satisfy
To know, now they are dead, how they did die.

Phi. Come, take the bodies up, and let us all195
Go drown ourselves in tears. This massacre
Has left so torn a state, that 'twill be policy,
As well as debt, to weep till we are blind;
For who would see the miseries behind?