Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/178

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[Act V., Sc 4

Thou only hast that time of banishment
I have of penitence.

[Comes down. Ziriff offers to kiss the King's hand

Iol. May it be plague and famine here, till I return!
No, thou shalt not
Yet forgive me.185

King. Aglaura, thus I freely part with thee,
And part with all fond flames and warm desires.
I cannot fear new agues in my blood,
Since I have overcome the charms thy beauty had:
No other ever can have so much pow'r.190
Thersames, thou look'st pale! Is't want of rest?

Ther. No, sir; but that's a story for your ear.

[They whisper

Ors. A strange and happy change.

Ori. All joys wait on you ever!

Agl. Orithie, how for thy sake now could I wish195
Love were no mathematic point, but would
Admit division, that Thersames might,
Though at my charge, pay thee the debt he owes thee.

Ori. Madam, I lov'd the prince, not myself. Since
His virtues have their full rewards, I have200
My full desires.

King. What miracles of preservation have we had!
How wisely have the stars prepar'd you for
Felicity! Nothing endears a good
More than the contemplation of the difficulty205
We had to attain to it.
But see, night's empire's out; and a more glorious
Auspiciously does begin. Let us
Go serve the gods, and then prepare for jollity.
This day210
I'll borrow from my vows; nor shall it have
A common celebration, since 't must be
A high record to all posterity.[Exeunt omnes