Page:Works of Sir John Suckling.djvu/201

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Act III., Sc. 1

Stramador. Right, right!

Peridor. Then, you can hate,
And fawn upon a man at the same time:
And dare not urge the vices of another,
You are so foul yourself.30
So the Prince seldom hears truth.

Stramador. O, very seldom.

Peridor. And did you never give his grace odd counsels;
And, when you saw they did not prosper,
Persuade him take them on himself?

Stramador. Yes, yes, often.35

Peridor. Get baths of sulphur quick, and flaming oils;
This crime is new, and will deserve it.
He has inverted all the rule of state,
Confounded policy.
There is some reason why a subject40
Should suffer for the errors of his prince;
But, why a prince should bear the faults of's ministers,—
None, none at all.—Caldrons of brimstone there!

Thief. Great judge of this infernal place, allow
Him yet the mercy of the court.

Stramador. Kind devil!45

Peridor. Let him be boil'd in scalding lead a while,
T'enure and prepare him for the other.

Stramador. O, hear me, hear me!

Peridor. Stay!
Now I have better thought upon't, he shall50
To earth again;
For villainy is catching, and will spread.
He will enlarge our empire much;
Then we're sure of him at any time.
So, 'tis enough. Where's our governor?[Exeunt55

Scene II
Enter Gaoler, Samorat, Nassurat, Pellegrin, and three others in disguise

Gaoler. His hair curls naturally: a handsome youth!

Samorat. The same. [Drinks to him] Is there no speaking with him?
He owes me a trifling sum.

Gaoler. Sure, sir, the debt is something desperate;
There is no hopes he will be brought to clear5
With the world: