Page:Works of Voltaire Volume 02.djvu/166

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The Atheist and the Sage.

Chapter V.

They want to get John married.

You remember the anguish of the venerable Freind when he learned that John was in the prison of the inquisition at Barcelona. Imagine his rage when he learned of the debauchery and dissipation of the unfortunate lad, his way of paying debts, and his danger of getting hanged. Yet Freind restrained himself. This excellent man's self-command is really astonishing. His reason regulates his heart, as a good master rules his servants. He does everything reasonably, and judges wisely with as much celerity as hasty people act rashly.

"This is no time to lecture, John," said he. "We must snatch him from the precipice."

You must know that on the day previous our friend had come into a handsome sum, left him by George Hubert, his uncle. He went himself in search of our great surgeon, Cheselden. We found him at home, and then proceeded together to the wounded creditor. The wound was inspected. It was not dangerous. Freind gave the sufferer a hundred guineas as the first step, and fifty others by way of reparation, and then asked forgiveness for his son. Indeed, he expressed his regret so touchingly that the poor man embraced him, and. weeping, wished to return the money.