Page:Works of Voltaire Volume 02.djvu/234

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The White Bull.

dress yourself to him. However, I warn you it is a dangerous undertaking. Were I in your place I would hardly trouble myself either with the bull, the she-ass, the he-goat, the serpent, the fish, the raven, or the pigeon. But passion hurries you on, and all I can do is to pity you, and tremble."

The princess conjured him to procure her a tete-a-tete with the serpent. Mambres, who was obliging, consented, and, making profound reflections, he went and communicated to the witch in so insinuating a manner the whim of the princess, that the old woman told him Amasidia might lay her commands upon her; that the serpent was perfectly well-bred, and so polite to the ladies that he wished for nothing more than to oblige them, and would not fail to keep the princess' appointment.

The ancient magician returned to inform the princess of this good news, but he still dreaded some misfortune, and made reflections.

"You desire to speak with the serpent, mademoiselle. This you may accomplish whenever your highness thinks proper. But remember you must flatter him, for every animal has a great deal of self-love, and the serpent in particular. It is said he was formerly driven out of heaven for excessive pride."

"I have never heard of it," replied the princess.

"I believe it," said the old man.

He then informed her of all the reports which had been spread about this famous serpent.