Page:Works of Voltaire Volume 02.djvu/238

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The White Bull.

ture, and especially to your amiable sex. Without it they would live in the most shameful ignorance. I have always satisfied, as far as lay in my power, the curiosity of the ladies. I am accused, indeed, of using this complaisance only to vex the Ruler of the world. I swear to you that I could propose nothing more agreeable to myself than to obey you; but the old woman must have informed you that the revealing of this secret will be attended with some danger to you.

Princess.—Ah! it is that which makes me still more curious.

Serpent.—In this I discover the sex to whom I have formerly done service.

Princess.—If you possess any feeling; if rational beings should mutually assist each other; if you have compassion for an unfortunate creature, do not refuse my request.

Serpent.—You affect me. I must satisfy you; but do not interrupt me.

Princess.—I promise you I will not.

Serpent.—There was a young king, beautiful, charming, in love, beloved—

Princess.—A young king! beautiful, charming, in love, beloved! And by whom? And who was this king? How old was he? What has become of him? Where is his kingdom? What is his name?

Serpent.—See, I have scarce begun, and you have already interrupted me. Take care. If you