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calls them forth, Rom. iv. 17. There is as much strength in Christ, for worm Jacob to thresh and beat away the mountains, as there was for making the world, and all the mountains in it, Psal. xxxiii. 9. He spake, and it was done! And, shall not his word, that said them into being, be as effectual to say them away again. Thus saith the Lord, is enough to ensure the accomplishment of the hardest things prophesied.

2. The glory of his grace; which the great design of the whole mystery of godliness surely requires. What does he intend by the mystery of Christ, but the glory of his grace, Eph. i. 6. to shew the exceeding riches of it, chap. ii. 7. Therefore he has chosen the way that leads straight to the point, Rom. iv. 6. Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace. The worm is despicable in itself, but being the subject of glorious grace, if it shall miscarry in its attempts, the glory of grace is sunk, as the precious loading with the ship cast away. Wherefore, that his grace may be glorified, if it be a worm threshing mountains, those mountains must needs be threshed away by that worm. Tho' that sacred fire be but like a spark in the midst of the sea of corruption, it must not only be preserved in, but dry up that sea quite clean.

3, By an unalterable decree, there must be a conformity betwixt the little worm