Page:Wound infections and some new methods for the study of the various factors which come into consideration in their treatment.djvu/21

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Method of making Cultivations of Pus in Serum, by the Wet-wall Method.

The first step in the procedure is to make, by the technique I described in my book on "Technique,"[1] a graduated series of dilutions of pus, using for this purpose any indifferent diluting fluid, and arranging the successive dilutions on a slide in the form of a series of drops (fig. 3, slide I). I then take in hand a clean capillary pipette fitted with a teat, make a mark upon the stem, and then draw up into it a series of unit volumes of serum, one unit volume of serum for every dilution of the pus. This done, I commence with the highest of these dilutions—that is, the one containing the smallest number of microbes—and draw it up into the stem of the pipette, stopping off exactly at the fiducial mark (fig. 4). I then expel this column, leaving, of course, as I do so, the walls wet with a quantum of microbial suspension—a quantum which would correspond roughly to that which would be left on the outside of a platinum wire of similar stoutness dipped into the suspension. I

  1. "Technique of the Teat and the Capillary Glass Tube," Constable, London.