Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/124

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Can't yer tike a pride in yer children? Yer know this room an' these children ain't no cleaner than wot they wos a week ago. . . . An' look at that 'ole in 'er stockin'. Shorely you can 'ave self-respeck if you are pore. Ain't there sich a thing as a needle an' thread in the 'ol 'ouse? I expecks yer pore 'usbin' 'as to fasten 'is cloves to 'isself wiv nails. . . .'

"’Ereupon the good lidy fair drops the cup o' tea wot she 'ad bin 'oldin' in 'er 'and.

"An' when I sees wot she done I ses 'Gorblimey, wot ’ave you done?'

"‘Look at that,' ses Muvver. ‘'Ow many times 'ave I told you as woful waste makes wilful want? You pore are the most himprovident class there is. . . . Nor the floor ain't the plaice fer the tea if yer don't want it. 'Ow many times 'aven't I told you as cleanliness comes nex' ter Gawdliness ? . . .'

"‘'Ow! look at that,' chimes in ol' Muvver Skin-the-Goat, apintin' to a statoo of a naked femmle in the corner. I don' know wevver it were a 'oly saint or a gordless 'eathen 'ussy—but it was nood all the same.