Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/176

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is—ah—infested by a huge crocodile. I saw it myself. I understand it has been here for yeahs and yeahs. I consider it disgraceful. Think of the toll of human life. . . .'

"Then the headman hopped out salaaming, and unburdened his simple mind, and the Collector grinned.

"‘It wouldn't take long to "think of the toll of human life "taken by a garial, a fish-eating, bottle-nosed crocodile, would it?' he murmured to me, with a snigger.

"‘You are a public benefactor, Sir,' said he to the Political Pimple.

"‘Yes—but I maintain that it is disgraceful that the public duty should be left to—ah—chance benevolence and the sense of responsibility of the casual wayfarer. What are the officials about? What is the Collector about? . . . If I find that in the stomach of this dreadful reptile there are anklets and bracelets and armlets and——'

"’Cutlets,' said the Collector.

"’I shall make the matter public. The Press of the Empire shall ring with it. . . .'