Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/184

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"And you took my silk hat in defiance of all probabilities of getting permission! You took it in anticipation of sanction! You——"

"No, Daddy—in The Surrender of Kruger and in William Tell. He didn't like the apple on his head, but he didn't mind it on the hat. He said it gave him a thporting chance."

"I say you took it in anticipation of sanction," rumbled Daddy horrifically, "and that is a very terrible thing!"

"What is antiseparation of stankshun?" asked the President, climbing on to Daddy's knee. "Can we play it? We really took it in The Surrender of Kruger, Daddy, and not in the other thing. You couldn't have Kruger without a top-hat, now, could you? But what is antiseparation of swanktion?"

Buster entered.

"Hullo, dear old Things," said he. "What's the game?"

"You'd better ask Buster to explain 'in anticipation of sanction,' I think," quoth Daddy, departing to see whether the hat in question