Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/188

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"Yes," agreed the President. "I love cream."

"What's 'Oh-tell-oh!’" she added. Could we play that too?"

"Certainly," replied Buster. "Shakespearian revivals are the fashion, just now. I'll show you the pictures and tell you the story—so far as it is fit for the drawing-room. Then you can boom the Bard. The Vice would make a fine Moor—dressed in Nubian blacking and Ethiopian burnt-cork."

And it came to pass that on the following day, Othello was staged in Karabad, though the Sporting and Dramatic Press made no mention of the fact.

"Anti-Separation of Swanksion," mused the President aloud.

"On Printhipull," soliloquised the Vice, not to be out-done. For he too had a new expression—and revelled in it, as was his wont.

It is strange how a new phrase, a new fact, a new word, will haunt one. You may, for