Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/190

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rumbled as he brandished a hunting-crop with a twelve foot thong. The Vice did not fully understand—but he thought he did.

So that was the correct term was it—the term applied by adults when alluding to that portion of the human frame?

"On principle. He must remember that. It must be a perfectly blameless word, a word of unimpeachable propriety, or Daddy would not use it. Principle.

Encountering Venus he remarked:—

"Wenuth, I am going to give you a thmack on principle—on principle, do you underthtand," and bestowed a resounding slap upon what he believed to be the spot indicated. "You may call it that," he added, as he passed on.

The inevitable coincidences followed.

When the children went into the drawing-room, to kiss Mummy "good-bye," before setting forth for the evening expedition, there were Callers having tea.

"You'll join the hunt, I suppose, Major, for the short time you're here?" one of the ladies was remarking to a big stout man, a new-comer.