Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/61

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As Boodle rode her sturdy little Arab pony down on to the beach that evening, her face lit upwith pleasure when she caught sight of the beloved and admired Bobball.

Chacun à son goût. The face of Colonel Jones of the Rutlands never lit up with pleasure when he caught sight of Bob 'All, but then he neither loved nor admired Private Robert Hall. He gave him more C.B. than affection.

Bobball was a garrulous, plausible blackguard—but not the Compleat Blackguard, for he loved children. That he had won the devotion of Boodle and her brother, should stand him in good stead when his last Account is being made up. . . .

"Hullo, Bobball, dear," quoth the young lady, riding up to where Bobball, seated pensive, pondered the seldomness of beer, the frequency