Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/84

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"Let's do the Excruciation of Mary Queen of Thcotth," suggested the Vice, as they turned over the pages of the portfolio of Historical Pictures—a valued property of the Dramatic Society of the Club.

"Nothin' doin'," replied the President tersely, in the manner of Buster.

"Why not?" inquired the Vice. "It's eathy, and it weally only wants two."

"I know what you are, with an axe," replied the President, without considering the fundamental truth that only two are really essential to an Execution. "You'd be nearly as good an Executioner as I should be a Queen."

The Vice felt his muscles.

"I could have a card-board akth," he modestly suggested. That would certainly go far to counteract his terrible strength and inflexible sense of duty as an Executioner.

"Good idea!" quoth the President. "Let's get the lid of one of Mummy's big card-board boxes. I'll soon make an axe. Or, better still, let's nail a small square of card-board to a stick. There's a big photograph without a frame in the