Page:Wren--The young stagers.djvu/93

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"What does 'a stitch in time saves nine' mean, Buster?" asked Boodle, as her guide, philosopher, and friend entered the Club in search of tea ere bearing his modest part in a Literary session of the same. "Daddy said it about his saddle."

"Well, the mother of eight once sewed—no, that's a different story. It's like this," was the reply. "There were once nine Virtuous Children, like you and the Vice, y'know, and they were being pursued by an Abominable Policeman. . . ."

"Whaffor?" inquired the Vice.

"Well, it is their nature to. It's a Law. Abominable Policemen do it to fulfil the law of their being—and Virtuous Children get pursued to fulfil the law of their not being—not being there when the Abominable Policeman arrives, you know. Do you understand?"