Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/102

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Gittel bore the pain at her heart in silence, weeping at times over her Moishehle, who had got into bad ways and now, suddenly, this precious letter with its precious news: Her Moishehle is about to marry, and invites them to the wedding !

Thus Gittel, lying in bed in her own room, recalled everything she had suffered through her undutiful son, only now now everything was forgotten and forgiven, and her mothers heart was full of love for her Moi- shehle, just as in the days when he toddled about at her apron, and pleased his mother and everyone else.

All her thoughts were now taken up with getting ready to attend the wedding; the time was so short there were only three weeks left. When her other children were married, Gittel began her preparations three months ahead, and now there were only three weeks.

Next day she took out her watered silk dress, with the green satin flowers, and hung it up to air, examined it, lest there should be a hook missing. After that she polished her long ear-rings with chalk, her pearls, her rings, and all her other ornaments, and bought a new yellow silk kerchief for her head, with a large flowery pattern in a lighter shade.

A week before the journey to Warsaw they baked spice-cakes, pancakes, and almond-rolls to take with her, "from the bridegroom's side," and ordered a wig for the bride. When her eldest son was married, Gittel had also given the bride silver candlesticks for Friday evenings, and presented her with a wig for the Veiling Ceremony.