Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/183

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piggy-wiggy " "Te-te-te!" say I, "where

have you learned such fine language? a new speech," say I, "with new words. Why not open the hen-house, and let out the hens? Chuck chuck chuck, hurrah for freedom !" Upon which she blazes up as if I had poured ten pails of hot water over her. And now for it! As only they can! Well, one must sit it out and listen to the end. The worst of it is, there is no end. "Look here," say I, "hush !" say I, "and now let be !" say I, and beat upon my breast. "I have sinned!" say I, "I have transgressed, and now stop," say I, "if you would only be quiet!" But she won't hear, and she won't see. No, she says, she will know why and where- fore and for goodness' sake and exactly, and just how it was, and what it means, and how it happened, and once more and a second time, and all over again from the beginning !

I beg of you who set the whole thing going? A woman !