Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/230

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and looked. On coming away, he told them to bring Ezrielk to see him on the following day, saying that he wished to see him, and would take no fee.

Next day Ezrielk came with his mother to the doctor's house.

"A blow has struck me ! A thunder has killed me ! Reb Yainkel, do you know what the doctor said?"

"You silly woman, don't scream so ! He cannot have said anything bad about Ezrielk. What is the matter? Did he hear him intone the Gemoreh, or perhaps sing? Don't cry and lament like that !"

"Reb Yainkel, what are you talking about? The doctor said that my Ezrielk is in danger, that he's ill, that he hasn't a sound organ his heart, his lungs, are all sick. Every little bone in him is broken. He mustn't sing or study the bath will be his death he must have a long cure he must be sent away for air. God (he said to me) has given you a precious gift, such as Heaven and earth might envy. Will you go and bury it with your own hands?"

"And you were frightened and believed him? Non- sense! I've had Ezrielk in my Cheder two years. Do I want him to come and tell me what goes on there ? If he were a really good doctor, and had one drop of Jewish blood left in his veins, wouldn't he know that every true Jew has a sick heart, a bad lung, broken bones, and deformed limbs, and is well and strong in spite of it, because the holy Torah is the best medicine for all sicknesses? Ha, ha, ha! And he wants Ezrielk to give up learning and the bath ? Do you know what ? Go home and send Ezrielk to Cheder at once !"