Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/494

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descend upon their heads like a thunderbolt, only what it was he did not know, or ask himself, and a second time a scream of distraught and helpless terror escaped his throat.

A few neighbors, Italians, who were standing in the passage by the open door, looked on in alarm, and whispered among themselves, and still the wild curses filled the room, one minute loud and resonant, the next with the spiteful gasping of a man struck to death.

"Mighty God! Pour out Thy wrath on the peoples who 'have no God in their hearts ! Pour out Thy wrath upon the lands where Thy Name is unknown ! 'He has devoured, devoured my body, he has laid waste, laid waste my house !' ' ;

"Thy wrath shall pursue them, Pursue them o'ertake them ! O'ertake them destroy them, From under Thy heavens !"