Page:Yiddish Tales.djvu/595

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FAST OF ESTHEB. A fast day preceding Purim, the Feast of

Esther. " FOUNTAIN OF JACOB." A collection of all the legends, tales,

apologues, parables, etc., in the Babylonian Talmud. FouB-CoBNEBS (trl. of Arba Kanfos). A fringed garment

worn under the ordinary clothes; called also Tallis-

koton. See Deut. xxii. 12.

FOUB ELLS. Minimum space required by a human being. FOUB QUESTIONS. Put by the youngest child to his father

at the Seder. GANZE GOYIM (Ger. and Heb.). Wholly estranged from

Jewish life and customs. See Goi. GASS (Ger.). The Jews' street. GEHENNA (Heb.). The nether world; hell. GEMOREH (Heb.). The Talmud, the Rabbinical discussion

and elaboration of the Mishnah; a Talmud folio. It is

usually read with a peculiar singsong chant, and the

reading of argumentative passages is accompanied by a

gesture with the thumb. See, for instance, pp. 17 and

338. GEMOBEH-KOPLECH (Heb. and Ger.). A subtle, keen mind;


GEVIB (Heb.). An influential, rich man. GEVIBISH, apper- taining to a Gevir. Goi (pi. Goyim) (Heb.). A Gentile; a Jew estranged from

Jewish life and customs.

GOTTINYU (Ger. with Slav, ending). Dear God. GBEAT SABBATH, THE. The Sabbath preceding Passover. HAGGADAH (Heb.). The story of the Exodus recited at

the home service on the first two evenings of Passover. HOSHANAH (pi. Hoshanos) (Heb.). Osier withe for the

Great Hosannah. HOSHANAH-RABBAH (Heb.). The seventh day of the Feast

of Tabernacles; the Great Hosannah. HOSTBE CHASSIDIM. Followers of the Rebbe or Tzaddik who

lived at Hostre.