Page:York dialogue between Ned and Harry, or, Ned giving Harry an account of his courtship and marriage state.pdf/3

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Ned. 'Tis true, we did ſo, Harry: but now I have not time to tell you, for it will take me more than two or three hours to give you a full account of both parts.

Harry. What! are you in haſte then, Ned? 'Tis a great while ſince I have ſeen you, and ſhan't we have one mug together?

Ned. 'Faith Harry, I'm loath to delay you; but if I go with you, I muſt ſend home to my wife, to let her know where I am.

Harry. So you may Ned, and tell her, you are with an old friend that would be glad to ſee her.

Ned. Not a word of that Harry; for if I go with you and ſtay any time, we ſhall have her company without ſending for her.

Harry. Say you ſo. Come then, let us go to Peter Winn's.———Well, Ned, I am glad to ſee thee?—Ring the bell.—Dick, bring us a pint of your beſt ale.———Come Ned, ſit down and let me hear a little of your courtſhip, and how long it was before you got your wife into the mind to marry; for if I speak to any of the female ſex, they're