Page:Young Hunters of the Lake.djvu/60

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"Nuthin'," answered Joe. "Say, are you fellows going on a trip to Lake Narsac?"


"Ain't you afraid of the hobgoblins up there?"

"Not particularly."

"My uncle was up there once and the hobgoblins took his things away from him."

"What did they take?" asked Whopper.

"Took his coat, which he had hung on a tree while he was fishing, and took his basket of fish, too. Say, he was scared when he saw that thing, I can tell you. He wouldn't go there again!"

"Did he see the ghost?" asked Shep.

"No, he didn't see anything, but he heard it moan and groan, and heard it say something about being cold and hungry."

"We are not afraid," said Snap, as bravely as he could. "We are going to keep our eyes peeled for that ghost, and if it shows itself there will be some shooting done. By the way, Joe, how long have you been around here?"

"Two or three hours. I didn't have nuthin' to do, and I like the water."

"Have you seen anybody around this building?"

"Yes, two fellows were here, but they went away when they saw me."