Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/110

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what I call Degradation. But there is always balm in Gilead. I lost so much money over it that I had to emi- grate to England, where, finding nothing else to do, I be- came a preacher again." He poured himself out a glass of schnapps, ignoring the water.

" I heard nothing of de vodki shop," said Yankele" ; " it vas svallowed up in your earlier fame."

The Rabbi drained the glass of schnapps, smacked his lips, and resumed his knife and fork. Manasseh reached for the unoffered bottle, and helped himself liberally. The Rabbi unostentatiously withdrew it beyond his easy reach, looking at Yankele" the while.

" How long have you been in England?" he asked the Pole.

" Not long," said Yankele

" Ha ! Does Gabriel the cantor still suffer from neuralgia ? "

Yankele" looked sad. " No — he is dead," he said.

" Dear me ! Well, he was tottering when I knew him. His blowing of the ram's horn got wheezier every year. And how is his young brother, Samuel?"

"He is dead ! " said Yankele

" What, he too ! Tut, tut ! He was so robust. Has Mendelssohn, the stonemason, got many more girls? ,;

" He is dead ! " said Yankele

" Nonsense ! " gasped the Rabbi, dropping his knife and fork. "Why, I heard from him only a few months ago."

" He is dead ! " said Yankele

" Good gracious me ! Mendelssohn dead ! " After a moment of emotion he resumed his meal. " But his sons and daughters are all doing well, I hope. The eldest, Solo- mon, was a most pious youth, and his third girl, Neshamah, promised to be a rare beauty."

" They are dead ! " said Yankele